Lessons in Alutiiq language coming to Kodiak (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Sat Dec 11 13:26:51 UTC 2010

Lessons in Alutiiq language coming to Kodiak

By LOUIS GARCIA / Kodiak Daily Mirror
Published: December 10th, 2010 11:05 PM

KODIAK, Alaska - Next semester Kodiak High School students can say
"cama'I" to an Alutiiq language program - the first since the early

"The idea to have an Alutiiq language class at the high school so soon
was brought up at the Alaska Federation of Natives Elders and Youth
Gathering," said Candace Branson, youth leadership development
coordinator with the Kodiak Area Native Association.

"The students approached me and asked if I thought it was possible if
we could have an Alutiiq language class in the high school someday,"
she said. "They've been inspired by this conference to search for
their identity the language was something they really wanted to find."

Curriculums had been developed, the school was ready for it and
students wanted to learn it. The teaching position will be funded
through an Alaska Success Within Education and Retention Grant.

Read more: http://www.adn.com/2010/12/10/1598822/lessons-in-alutiiq-language-coming.html#ixzz17oF0agy8

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