Strengthening the Circle, A Native Nonprofit Leadership Program April 20...

Rrlapier at AOL.COM Rrlapier at AOL.COM
Mon Feb 8 16:36:46 UTC 2010

 From: bsawyer at
To: rrlapier at
Sent:  2/7/2010 3:44:05 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Strengthening the  Circle, A Native Nonprofit Leadership Program 
April 20-23, 

Dear  Rosalyn, 
Strengthening  the Circle, A Native  Nonprofit Leadership Program is now 
accepting applications.  Please find  the application attached.  I would 
appreciate it if you would share this  information with anyone you know may be 
interested in  participating. 
This yearlong training  program is designed to give Executive Directors and 
Board members the tools,  skills, and technical support needed to  
successfully develop and strengthen  nonprofit organizations working with youth in 
Indian Country. Hopa Mountain,  Seventh Generation Fund, the Indian Nonprofit 
Alliance, Artemisia Associates,  WolfStar PR, and the Foundation for 
Community Vitality are cooperatively  organizing the 2010 Native American 
Nonprofit Leadership Program.  

Strengthening the Circle  aims to strengthen the capacities of experienced 
and emerging non-profit  organizations that respond to the needs of American 
Indian families,  especially those organizations serving families and youth 
on Indian  reservations. This Native Nonprofit Leadership Program will 
consist of a 4-day  workshop for 40 executive directors and Board members with 
follow up technical  assistance. The 4-day training program will take place 
in Bozeman, Montana  April 20-23. 

Travel, lodging,  instruction, and materials will be covered for applicants 
that are accepted  into the program. In addition to the 4-day training 
session, each participant  will receive a Strengthening the Circle Guidebook for 
Native nonprofit  leaders, resources for Board development; eight hours of 
consulting or  coaching; and ongoing support through your peers and past 
graduates of the  program.

For more information about  the upcoming program, please contact Marissa 
Spang at Hopa Mountain at (406)  586-2455, _marissa.spang at hopamountain.org_ 
(mailto:marissa.spang at   or apply at 
All the best,  Bonnie 
Dr. Bonnie  Sachatello-Sawyer 
Executive  Director 
Hopa  Mountain 
234 E.  Babcock, Suite E 
Bozeman,  MT  59715 
(406) 586-2455  (office) 
(406) 581-0824  (cell) 

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