Native leader critical of efforts to preserve language (fwd link)

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Sun Feb 21 18:12:03 UTC 2010

Native leader critical of efforts to preserve language

Sat. Feb 20 - 4:54 AM
Noca Scotia, Canada

MILLBROOK — A Millbrook First Nation band councillor has chastised the
federal government and the Catholic Church for failing to help Mi’kmaq
people preserve their language.

"It’s a sorry state of affairs when two years ago the Prime Minister
of Canada apologized to (the) First Nations. The leaders in Parliament
said ‘sorry you lost everything’ but no one stood up to say we’ll help
restore your language," Lloyd Johnson said Friday.

"And the same can be said about the Catholic Church. Did they stand up
to help restore the language? No, they didn’t. And if the United
Church of Canada did, they should."

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