Article. The Chronicle of Higher Education / Access-Retention and Success in Higher Education

Francisco Marmolejo fmarmole at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Nov 23 02:51:41 UTC 2010

Dear colleagues:


Last week, the University of Arizona, with the support of CONAHEC, hosted
the International Workshop on Equitable Access to Higher Education,
co-convened by IAU, the World Bank and UofA, thanks to the support of Lumina
Foundation. Our weekly column in The Chronicle of Higher Education
<> , is precisely related to the topic
discussed there. 

Enclosed please find the reference with a link to the whole story in both
English and Spanish. 


Your comments either on the Web site or directly to me are much more than


Best regards,

Francisco Marmolejo

fmarmole at 


November 22, 2010, 10:24 am

Access, Retention, And Success in Higher Education Around the World

By  <> Francisco

In the world of higher education there is good news and some not so good.
First the good: Practically all forecast analyses made by experts, from
UNESCO to OECD, and also at the national level in most countries, predict
that, during the coming decade, worldwide enrollment in higher education
will continue to increase, thus benefiting more people than ever.  The not
so good news is that although the number of higher-education students will
increase, unfortunately, it looks as though higher education will remain
primarily elitist as it is today. It is evident that despite many efforts,
concrete interventions, and a good number of initiatives–some of them very
successful and scalable–and in an environment full of rhetoric and politics,
the sad reality seems to be that gaps between countries may widen, and,
moreover, gaps within countries between the better-off and the ones which
are no

Read More 


November 22, 2010, 10:21 am

-brechas/27602> Acceso, retención y éxito profesional en la educación
superior en el mundo

By  <> Francisco

En el mundo de la educación superior hay buenas y malas noticias. Primero
las buenas nuevas: prácticamente todos las proyecciones elaboradas por
expertos–desde la UNESCO hasta la OCDE, pasando por las elaboradas a nivel
nacional en la mayoría de los países– señalan que en la presente década el
número de estudiantes inscritos en instituciones de educación superior
continuará incrementándose, consecuentemente beneficiando a un mayor número
de personas. La mala noticia es que aun cuando el número de estudiantes
universitarios a nivel internacional alcanzará niveles históricos,
desafortunadamente tal parece que la educación superior continuará siendo
tan elitista como lo es actualmente. Es evidente que, a pesar de tantos
esfuerzos, intervenciones concretas y un sinnúmero de buenas iniciativas
–algunas bastante exitosas y replicables-, en un ambiente político cargado

-brechas/27602> Read More 



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