Looking for web-hosting

Dale McCreery mccreery at UVIC.CA
Fri Apr 22 17:30:19 UTC 2011

One thing that I am looking forward to is the establishment of a permanent
digital language archive (rumoured?) to be in the works in Edmonton that
will be committed to not just hosting, but also taking responsibility for
migrating files to new formats, etc as technology changes over time.  In
the meantime I just want to make everything available so I guess even
dropbox would be a start!

Because of how slow the internet is here I don't think youtube would be a
viable option.  It takes me a half hour or more to download and watch a 2
minute clip, so as far as serving the community I need files to be as
small as possible for ease of downloading (though we'll be giving out
physical copies on disc as well, so that will make access easier in town).

If there was an established site like Youtube for audio that didn't have
rediculously low caps on hours of content and number of views
(soundcloud!) it would be awesome too.

Dale McCreery

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