Legislation aims to give Indians more control over their schools (fwd link)

BSantaMaria bernisantamaria at GMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 13 20:43:26 UTC 2011

The problem comes in when terminology-- which schools will be affected
on those reservations that have more than one type of system--ours has
tribal school, BIA (or fed. gov't) schools, mission, and public
schools governed by AZ state school districts.  The latter is the most
problematic on our rez; their administrators for several years have
not allowed for enough Apache lang/culture teaching for enough
hours/week to make a difference for students. If this legislation is
aimed at the public school system, and passes, then that is what I
would consider cause for celebration.

Bernadette A. SantaMaria
White Mountain Apache--

On 12/13/11, Phil Cash Cash <pasxapu at dakotacom.net> wrote:
> Can somebody please keep an eye on this legislation?  It sounds awesome.
> Phil
> On Dec 13, 2011, at 12:22 PM, Phillip E Cash Cash wrote:
>> Legislation aims to give Indians more control over their schools
>> Submitted by SHNS on Mon, 12/12/2011 - 14:05
>> By BEN GOAD, The Press-Enterprise washington
>> USA
>> WASHINGTON - Seeking to improve an education system he says is failing
>> Indian country, a House lawmaker wants to overhaul the nation's tribal
>> schools.
>> Rep. Joe Baca, D-Calif., introduced legislation last week that would
>> provide increased Indian access to funding for at-risk youths and
>> early childhood education, more adult literacy programs tailored for
>> Native Americans and a scholarship program for tribal members studying
>> to become teachers, among other provisions. The bill is called the
>> Native Culture, Language and Access for Success in Schools -- or
>> Native CLASS -- Act.
>> The bill would provide tribal schools with greater control of the
>> schools and curriculum, allowing tribal educators to incorporate their
>> culture into classrooms on reservations.
>> "It allows our tribal schools to use native languages as a primary
>> language of instruction," Baca said.
>> Access full article below:
>> http://www.scrippsnews.com/content/legislation-aims-give-indians-more-control-over-their-schools

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