Puliima 2011 - National Indigenous Languages Conference - Update
Daryn McKenny
daryn at ACRA.ORG.AU
Thu Feb 24 01:25:58 UTC 2011
I would like to keep the list up to date with our Puliima language conference activity, here is the latest email sent yesterday.
From: Daryn McKenny
Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2011 5:29 PM
Cc: Puliima2011
Subject: Puliima 2011 - National Indigenous Languages Conference - Update
Sadly, it's been a tragic start to 2011. The flooding devastation in Queensland, Victoria and northern New South Wales has shocked the country, Cyclone Yasi has torn through places where much language activity happens and now our friends and family across the water in Christchurch have suffered a horrible fate as well. We offer you all our thoughts and well wishes to all of those that have been effected.
Our conference location, the State Library of Queensland, was also effected and we have just heard that the Cultural Centre precinct at South Bank on the Brisbane River has now reopened which is really exciting to hear and the Library is back open as well.
The Puliima Team recently sent out notice that registrations are now open, we are already receiving registrations daily, so I would suggest that if you are wishing to attend that you start making arrangements now, we will be limiting attendance at 265 people this year and it certainly looks like we will break our record numbers of 2009 in Melbourne.
We have received over 25 presentations to be delivered and our guests will include Indigenous people from afar including Canada and North America.
So there are only a couple of possible presentation spots left and just a few exhibition tables available as well, focused workshops are still available on the Friday, if you are keen get in contact with us ASAP.
I have included below the Registration email details to take you to our website for further information, also please don't hesitate to contact us on +61 2 4927 8222 with any questions at all.
Also Follow us on FACEBOOK<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Puliima-National-Indigenous-Language-Technology-Forum/155284364500739> for all of the latest updates as well.
Now one hugely important event to remember is the Indigenous Linguists Forum to be held on the Friday, this is open to all Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Indigenous people from where ever you are from, if you have your degree, if you are a student or if you are interested in a career in linguistics your participation will be welcomed, this will be facilitated by some of the leading Indigenous Linguistic Academics in the country.
Remember, this is your forum and Puliima only comes around every two years, so please come and enjoy.
Lastly the theme for this year is "Old Language - New Voices", this means we are especially encouraging the youth to attend this conference so on that note we would like to offer 10 free registrations for anyone under the age of 21, the first 10 expressions for this offer received must include a paragraph or 2 on "what language means to you", please send your interest to us at puliima2011 at acra.org.au<mailto:puliima2011 at acra.org.au> and if you are successful we will contact you with further details.
Daryn McKenny
Please circulate throughout your Networks
Puliima 2011 National Indigenous Languages and Technology Forum
Follow us on FACEBOOK<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Puliima-National-Indigenous-Language-Technology-Forum/155284364500739>
Hi Everyone,
We would like to inform you that registrations for "Puliima 2011 National Indigenous Languages & Technology Forum" are now open!
Click HERE to REGISTER NOW<http://www.acra.org.au/puliima/registration.html>
The conference will be held at the State Library of Queensland in Brisbane and will comprise of the following:
Tuesday 10th May
Evening Pre-Conference Gathering (for those that arrive early)
Wednesday 11th May
Puliima Day 1
Puliima Conference Dinner
Thursday 12th May
Puliima Day 2
Friday 13th May
Optional Events:
Indigenous Linguists Forum
Focus Workshops
More information about what happens at Puliima can be found HERE<http://www.acra.org.au/puliima/puliima-2009-wrap-up.html>
Current Activity
Round 2 Call for Presenters - closing 17th February 2011. Further information for Presenters can be found HERE<http://www.acra.org.au/puliima/call-for-presenters.html>
Round 2 Call for Exhibitors - closing 17th February 2011. Further Information for Exhibitors can be found HERE<http://www.acra.org.au/puliima/call-for-exhibitors.html>
Join our Mailing List<http://www.acra.org.au/puliima/subscribe-to-mailing-list.html>
All Enquiries - either email us at puliima2011 at acra.org<mailto:puliima2011 at acra.org> or contact us online<http://www.acra.org.au/puliima/contact-puliima-team.html>
Prospective sponsors - please visit our website for further details<http://www.acra.org.au/puliima.html>
All media enquiries to be directed to Daryn McKenny +61 02 4927 8222
Daryn McKenny
Arwarbukarl Cultural Resource Association Inc. Trading as:
Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre
P | 02 4927 8222 F | 02 4925 2185 E | daryn at acra.org.au<mailto:daryn at acra.org.au> W | www.acra.org.au<http://www.acra.org.au/> & www.miromaa.com.au<http://www.miromaa.com.au/>
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