'That Which Makes Us Haida' (fwd link)

Phil Cash Cash pasxapu at DAKOTACOM.NET
Thu Nov 3 18:06:43 UTC 2011

Our indigenous languages are very very beautiful, poignant, and  
heartbreaking all at the same time.  The short story and photo on Mona  
Jackson comes soo close to my heart that I just want to inhale deeply  
with all the words I have.   At times, this is how it really is on  
living life with an endangered language.  Many of you know this.

Phil Cash Cash

On Nov 3, 2011, at 10:54 AM, Phillip E Cash Cash wrote:

> 'That Which Makes Us Haida'
> Less than 40 fluent speakers of the Haida language remain, but they
> won't let it go without a fight.
> By Heather Ramsay, Today, TheTyee.ca
> Canada
> That Which Makes Us Haida: The Haida Language
> Scott Steedman, Jisgang, Nika Collison, editors. Photographs by  
> Farah Nosh.
> Haida Gwaii Museum (2011)
> "We're waking up after decades of silence; we're decolonizing our
> minds. Central to this process is the Haida language. Our language is
> who we are; through it we are turning back the tide of cultural
> unlearning and creating a Haida future rich with history, language and
> a worldview for our children and their children, as id Kuuniisii (our
> ancestors) did for us." -- Nika Collison, Haida Gwaii Museum curator.
> Larger than life, the faces of some of the last fluent speakers of the
> Haida language line the wall at the Haida Gwaii Museum. The stunning
> portraits of elders in Skidegate, Old Massett and Alaska who are
> keeping the language alive were taken by Vancouver-based photographer
> Farah Nosh, and are documented in a new book, That Which Makes Us
> Haida: The Haida Language.
> Access full article below:
> http://thetyee.ca/Books/2011/11/03/Haida-Language/

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