Fwd: University of Montana - Director, Native American Research Laboratory job announcment
rrlapier at AOL.COM
rrlapier at AOL.COM
Tue Sep 13 16:10:33 UTC 2011
Subject: University of Montana - Director, Native American Research Laboratory
ob announcment
Director, Native American Research Laboratory https://university-montana-hr.silkroad.com/epostings/?fuseaction=app.jobinfo&jobid=216&version=1#.Tm5jx7FuL_I.email
Job Description
he University of Montana Native American Research Laboratory (UM NARL) was
stablished in 2007. The primary mission of NARL is to provide advanced
hands-on” research opportunities to Native American students in a highly
nterdisciplinary and inter-tribally as well as inter-culturally diverse
raining environment, guided by culturally relevant faculty role models and
entors. Although UM NARL is dedicated to serving Native American students, the
articipation of non-Native and international students is also a priority to
acilitate intercultural exchange.
Broadly, the mission of the NARL laboratory includes serving as a training
acility to provide research-training opportunities for all students in STEM
isciplines, through collaborative interactions with UM faculty and programs
ithin and outside of the university. Currently, UM NARL is equipped as a
icrobiology, molecular biology, and biochemistry research facility with several
ctive, federally funded projects that provide a broad spectrum of research
pportunities for student researchers with diverse interests.
The UM NARL Director will also have a key support role in the University’s
lfred P. Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership (SIGP) program. The UM SIGP
rovides scholarships for indigenous students pursuing advanced degrees in the
TEM. Within the SIGP program, the NARL director will focus on recruitment and
etention, as well as serve on the program’s steering committee. Position is
xpected to establish vigorous funded research program and coordinate the
dministration activities of the NARL program.
Position duties include, but are not limited to:
•Develop and maintain a robust individual faculty research program, the success
f which will be demonstrated through acquisition of significant extramural
upport and publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Teach select science-based courses (at least one course per year) at both the
ndergraduate and graduate level.
Support the Sloan Indigenous Partnership (SIGP) program at The University of
ontana in identification, recruitment and retention of Indigenous graduate
tudents in STEM disciplines.
Develop and maintain a pipeline for the SIGP program by identifying and
ecruiting Native American undergraduate students to The University of Montana,
ith a focus on those who qualify for undergraduate minority research and
raining program support and fellowships in science-based programs.
Develop and maintain a set of diverse and interdisciplinary research
pportunities for students in STEM fields (e.g., areas of study that that have
istorically been of interest to the target population served by NARL include
eneral biology, microbiology, biochemistry, biophysics, biomedical sciences,
nd conservation sciences).
Establish, organize, and direct summer research experience programs for UM NARL
nd acquire extramural funding to support such programs.
Develop and expand international research opportunities for UM NARL students.
Direct and oversee the daily activities of UM NARL.
Acquire extramural support/funding to enhance and expand UM NARL.
Develop and maintain domestic and international research collaborations with
ther academic institutions, government entities, and private companies that
ill enhance opportunities for NARL students and contribute to achieving the
forementioned duties.
he successful candidate for the UM NARL director position will be expected to
aintain a robust individual faculty research program, develop and maintain
nterdisciplinary projects and collaborations that provide research training
pportunities for students with different research interests, interact with the
raduate School and multiple departments across campus to facilitate
pportunities for Native American science students, and enhance and expand all
spects of UM NARL activities.
The administrative appointment as NARL director will be up to 0.5 FTE within the
raduate School, and the tenure-track faculty appointment will be at least 0.5
TE as Assistant or Associate Professor in the Department of Biomedical and
harmaceutical Sciences, which would welcome applications in the area of
TEM-based health disparities research, and/or in the Division of Biological
ciences. The locus of tenure would reside with the department(s) whose
iscipline matches closely with that of the successful candidate.
Qualified candidates interested in a tenure-track position in other STEM-based
epartments are also strongly encouraged to apply.
Because one of the most significant features of UM NARL, which sets it apart
rom other minority-serving programs across the nation, is the availability of
ulturally relevant faculty role models and mentors, qualified Native American,
laskan Native and Native Hawaiian applicants—groups that have been
istorically-underrepresented in all STEM disciplines—are strongly encouraged to
Screening of applications will begin on October 1, 2011, and continue until
osition is filled. Applications received after 10/1 may be considered.
Upload the following materials: *Please note: only five (5) attachments are
llowed per application. Please combine documents accordingly.
•A letter of interest
A curriculum vita
Research plans
A brief statement of teaching methods and philosophies •Names, addresses, and
elephone numbers of three (3) professional references Criminal Background
nvestigation is required prior to Offer of Employment In accordance with
niversity policy, finalists for this position will be subject to criminal
ackground investigations.
DA/EOE/AA/Veteran's Preference
easonable accommodations are provided in the hiring process for persons with
isabilities. For example, this material is available in alternative format upon
equest. As an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, we encourage
pplications from minorities, veterans, and women. Qualified candidates may
equest veterans’ or disabilities preference in accordance with state law.
References not listed on the application materials may be contacted; notice may
e provided to the applicant.
ndividual hiring departments at UM-M may elect to administer pre-employment
ests, which are relevant to essential job functions
Required Skills
A robust record of teaching, service, research and scholarship.
A strong record of mentoring science students from historically
nderrepresented groups.
An established record of successfully engaging science students from
istorically underrepresented groups in inter-institutional and international
esearch activity.
Ability to establish a student recruitment plan.
Demonstrated managerial, collaborative and leadership skills.
Demonstrated ability to work with diverse populations.
Demonstrated ability to teach a broad spectrum of courses within the
pplicant's general research discipline.
A robust history of obtaining extramural research and student training support
rom federal agencies and/or private foundations.
equired Experience
An earned doctorate (Ph.D. or D.Sci.) in a physical or natural science based
ob Location
issoula, MT, US.
osition Type
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rom: email at addthis.com [mailto:email at addthis.com] On Behalf Of
alena.hill at umontana.edu
ent: Monday, September 12, 2011 1:56 PM
o: salena.hill at umontana.edu
ubject: University of Montana - Director, Native American Research Laboratory
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