ELF Native Voices Grants

Doug Whalen whalen at HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Sun Sep 25 14:51:54 UTC 2011

  Dear all,
The Endangered Language Fund  will once again be managing and distributing grants through the Native Voices Endowment: A Lewis & Clark Expedition Bicentennial Legacy. Grants through this program will be available to members of the Native American tribes that came in contact with the Lewis and Clark Expedition between 1803-1806.The list of eligible tribes can be found here:
Grants are available for work on documentation and revitalization of the languages of these tribes. Principal Investigators must be enrolled tribal members or employees of tribal colleges. Scholarships for academic work in linguistics or the Native language, or for Master/Apprentice programs, are also available for tribal members.
The application deadline for the fourth round of annual Native Voices proposals will be October 17, 2011. The Request for Proposals can be found here:
Doug Whalen DhW

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