APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED: NARL Director, The University of Montana

rrlapier at AOL.COM rrlapier at AOL.COM
Tue Sep 27 19:12:52 UTC 2011

Please note that the application deadline for the Native American Research Lab Director, at The University of Montana, has been extended to November 1, 2011.  Please distribute widely.
SENDERS Note: While NARL is currently set up as a "microbiology, molecular biology, and biochemistry research facility", the future research direction of NARL can change based on the research discipline of the selected candidate.  This search is open to all STEM and the NARL research area will depend on the selected candidate.
POSITION OPENING:  Director, Native American Research Laboratory, The University of Montana, Missoula
The University of Montana Native American Research Laboratory (UM NARL) was established in 2007. The primary mission of NARL is to provide advanced “hands-on” research opportunities to Native American students in a highly interdisciplinary and inter-tribally as well as inter-culturally diverse training environment, guided by culturally relevant faculty role models and mentors.  Although UM NARL is dedicated to serving Native American students, the participation of non-Native and international students is also a priority to facilitate intercultural exchange. 
Broadly, the mission of the NARL laboratory includes serving as a training facility to provide research-training opportunities for all students in STEM disciplines, through collaborative interactions with UM faculty and programs within and outside of the university.  Currently, UM NARL is equipped as a microbiology, molecular biology, and biochemistry research facility with several active, federally funded projects that provide a broad spectrum of research opportunities for student researchers with diverse interests.
The UM NARL Director will also have a key support role in the University’s Alfred P. Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership (SIGP) program.  The UM SIGP provides scholarships for indigenous students pursuing advanced degrees in the STEM. Within the SIGP program, the NARL director will focus on recruitment and retention, as well as serve on the program’s steering committee.  Position is expected to establish vigorous funded research program and coordinate the administration activities of the NARL program.
Required Experience 
·         An earned doctorate (Ph.D. or D.Sci.) in a physical or natural science based discipline.
For additional information on job duties and application information, please go to job announcement:
Rachel Smith
Student to Academic Professoriate for American Indians (SAPAI)
Division of Biological Sciences
University of Montana
office:  (406) 243-5798          cell:  (406) 493-2178
fax:      (406) 243-5858
Rachel.Smith at


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