native art

Travis Zimmerman travis.zimmerman at MNHS.ORG
Tue Feb 14 21:55:32 UTC 2012

How do we access them?  Do you have a website we can go to?

Thanks, Travis Zimmerman

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Tammy DeCoteau <tdc.aaia at>wrote:

> Han Mitakuyapi (Greetings Relatives)
> When we started an immersion program in a daycare several years ago, we
> noticed that all the characters in the children's books were white, with a
> very few amount of black children in some books.  So we started created our
> own books.  And then if we wanted a coloring page of a bundle of sage, we
> had to have it drawn.
> So we have placed our art on our website free for anyone to use.  They
> are .png files for free downloading.  We only ask that you give the artist
> credit.  (We include the name of the artist in the description.)  And as
> always, we appreciate any donation made to us and if you want to
> mention our program, that'd be great too.
> We continue to upload more pieces of art nearly every day because we have
> amassed over 1000 pieces of art for all of the books, flashcards,
> worksheets and whatever else we've made.
> Tammy DeCoteau
> AAIA Native Language Program
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