Request for info - Language Surveys

Linn, Mary S. mslinn at OU.EDU
Mon Jan 23 16:45:21 UTC 2012


Let me know if you have any questions after you look over the materials that Joana recommended, The In-Field website has a lot of different community surveys and reports. It is really helpful to look at the different types of questions and ways of asking them. I'll be glad to help you!


Mary S. Linn
Associate Curator, Native American Languages
Associate Professor, Linguistic Anthropology
Adjunct Associate Professor, Native American Studies

Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
University of Oklahoma
2401 Chautauqua Avenue
Norman, OK 73072
405-325-7588 (voice)
405-325-7699 (fax)

From: Indigenous Languages and Technology [ILAT at LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU] on behalf of Joana Jansen [jjansen at UOREGON.EDU]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [ILAT] Request for info - Language Surveys

 Here are a couple of good resources for language surveys.

 You could take a look at the Indigenous Language Institute Handbook
 Series (  Handbook 3 is "Conducting
 a Language Survey."

 Also, a 2010 InField Workshop by Mary Linn and Keren Rice addressed
 surveys, and the web page from the workshop has a number of resources:

 Joana Jansen
 jjansen at

 Northwest Indian Language Institute and
 Department of Linguistics
 University of Oregon
 1629 Moss Street
 Eugene OR 97403

  (from On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 07:16:38 -0700, BSantaMaria wrote:
> All:
> I need info on language surveys & contact info for people/tribes that
> have conducted successfully on other reservations or if there's a
> document, article, book that people can recommend that has info.
> I'm writing a proposal for funding & would like to contact others for
> tips on the process, methods used, staffing needs, problems
> encountered, contingency planning, development of survey forms/tools,
> etc.
> Thank you if you can provide any info.
> Bernadette A. SantaMaria, Grant Writer
> WMA Youth Programs
> (928) 594-6826

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