Mapping indigenous language across Australia (fwd link)

Phil Cash Cash weyiiletpu at
Fri Aug 23 17:19:06 UTC 2013

Mapping indigenous language across Australia

*A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR PROJECT* that spans 250 languages and took six
years to finish, theIndigenous Language
Map<> is
a crucial resource to help preserve Aboriginal culture.

The map displays some of the traditional languages once spoken by
indigenous groups across Australia, and was created using data collected by
the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
(AIATSIS). Dianne Hosking, who worked as a linguist at AIATSIS when the map
was developed, says the resource is extremely significant.

“The map shows Australians and the international community that this
country was occupied everywhere with a diversity of indigenous people and
their languages,” Dianne told *Australian Geographic*.

“This map has an important message to non-Indigenous Australians: that
indigenous people occupied and own this country.”

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