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From: sfra-l-bounces at [sfra-l-bounces at] on
behalf of John Rieder [rieder at]
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2014 11:36 AM
To: sfra-l List
Subject:  call for papers, special issue of Extrapolation on Indigenous

Call for Papers

Extrapolation special issue on Indigenous Futurism, edited by Grace L.
Dillon, (Anishinaabe), Michael Levy, and John Rieder.

In the last decade and a half, a number of scholars have explored the way
that SF throughout the last century and a half  has borne a close
relationship to colonial, and later postcolonial history, discourses, and
ideologies. One of the most prominent features of colonial ideology in SF
has been the widespread assumption that the future will be determined by
the technological and cultural dominance of the West, the “progress” of
which often entails the assumption that non-Western cultures will either
disappear or  assimilate themselves to Western norms. Indigenous Futurism
designates a growing movement of writing, both fictional and critical, that
envisions the future from the point of view of Indigenous histories,
traditions, and knowledges—and in so doing situates the present and the
past in ways that challenge (neo/post)colonial ideologies of progress. This
special issue of Extrapolation aims to bring together critical and
scholarly explorations of and responses to fictional or theoretical and
critical work in or on Indigenous SF, where SF is broadly conceived of as
including science fiction, speculative fiction, fantasy, and slipstream.

Topics might include but are not limited to:

  *          fictional and theoretical confrontations of Western science
and Indigenous knowledges
  *         use of Indigenous traditions in fiction or theory to envision a
sustainable future
  *         responses to and evaluation of Indigenously-inflected SF in any
medium from any geographic location
  *         representation and use of Indigenous traditions in classic SF
  *         Indigeneity and SF adventure fiction, Indigeneity and space
opera, Indigeneity and the New Weird
  *         challenges of publishing and distributing Indigenous Futurism

We invite submissions of 5,000-12,000 words to John Rieder (
rieder at<mailto:rieder at>) by April 1, 2015. Submissions
should conform to the usual requirements of Extrapolation.
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