Preserving Culture: 6 Early Childhood Language Immersion Programs (fwd link)
Phil Cash Cash
weyiiletpu at
Wed Apr 23 15:41:20 UTC 2014
*Preserving Culture: 6 Early Childhood Language Immersion Programs*
Tanya H. Lee
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Chairman Jon Tester, D-Montana,
introduced the Native Language Immersion Student Achievement Act in
January. If passed, the legislation would amend the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act to create a grant program that would make an
additional $5 million available to improve the academic achievement of
American Indian children by supporting the revitalization and preservation
of Native American languages through language immersion programs. The
legislation has been referred to Tester's committee. Currently, federal
funding for language immersion derives from legislation that includes the
Esther Martinez Native American Languages Preservation Act.
Language immersion schools have proved to be enormously beneficial for
young learners’ academics. To quote Dr. Janine Pease-Pretty on Top, Crow,
founding president of Little Big Horn College, “Solid data from the Navajo,
Blackfeet and Assiniboine immersion schools experience indicates that the
language immersion students experience greater success in school, measured
by consistent improvement on local and national measures of achievement.”
Early childhood language immersion programs must be adapted to the cultural
and financial resources available. Here are some examples of how educators
have done that.
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