colors, numbers, and animals

Donna Clark d_clark at
Thu Aug 7 15:55:32 UTC 2014

Have you checked out Where Are Your Keys (WAYK)?  They have numerous YouTube videos that demonstrate their process.  I contacted numerous references offered by Evan Gardner, WAYK founder, and every single one gave glowing reviews on the effectiveness of the method (  Also, if I'm not mistaken, the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival ( promotes the Master-Apprentice method as the most effective means of language transmission.



From: ilat-request at [mailto:ilat-request at] On Behalf Of Wayne Leman
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 8:02 AM
Subject: [ilat] colors, numbers, and animals


A number of methods are used for teaching indigenous languages. One that seems commonly used for teaching Native American languages in the U.S. is a focus on memorization of colors, numbers, and names of animals.


Does anyone know where this approach to language teaching originated? Might it reflect how the teachers themselves were taught English in boarding or reservation schools? Might it reflect perceived requirements on the part of school, state, or federal administrators?


Do any of you know of any programs where there has been a shift from memorization of word lists toward creating conversational fluency in the indigenous language?





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