audio / clock drift

Lindsay Marean lmarean at
Mon Sep 15 20:16:09 UTC 2014

I'm hoping that someone here on ILAT has run into this problem and can 
suggest a way to deal with it:

We're recording fluent speakers talking, with both audio recorders and 
video recorders.  Recently I recorded a session in which an audio 
recorder picked up one speaker really well, and a video recorder picked 
up another speaker really well.  I can use Audacity to combine the audio 
(one on each stereo channel) into a single WAV file that I can then use 
with ELAN for transcription.

The problem is that the two recorders don't record at exactly the same 
speed.  In a long session, this difference becomes very noticeable - the 
two tracks may be perfectly synchronized at the beginning, but they will 
be out of sync by the end.

Here are a few things I've found on the Internet that I think discuss 
the same issue: and

I've been trying to use the change tempo function of Audacity to adjust 
one track, but it's been trial-and-error - change by a small value, see 
if it works, and then when it doesn't, undo the change, and change by a 
different small value.  So far my approach is really time-consuming but 
still not really successful for making a transcribable track.

Has anyone else dealt with this problem?  How?  Does anyone know of a 
better way to get both tracks moving at the same speed, beginning to end?

Thank you!
Lindsay Marean

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