OCS, Polish, and other Modern Slavic languages

X99Lynx at aol.com X99Lynx at aol.com
Tue Apr 6 04:16:21 UTC 1999

In a message dated 4/4/99 11:48:44 PM, mcv at wxs.nl wrote:

<<OCS:....  otIc^e nas^I iz^e jesi na nebesIxU: da sve,titU se, ime, tvoje.
Polish:...  ojcze nasz kto'rys' jest w niebiesiech: s'wie,c' sie, imie,

Seems closer than I've been told it was.  Once again the vocabulary (father,
heaven, holy) here might tend to create a closer match than less liturgical
or idiomatic forms.

I compare (w/o knowing if I am transliterating correctly) - for the sake of
seeing the "much" greater separation in Romance.

French:  Notre pere, qui es aux cieux, que ton nom soit sanctifiæ.
Latin:    Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum.

Not overwhelmingly different, I'd say.

BTW- was sent this by e-mail.  It is apparently up on the wall of a church in
the Holy Lands that has a lot of different Lord's Prayers on the walls:

Nos fader, tu tui jis va nebisai, sjota varda tuji jaima.>> (sans accents)

This appears to be another "Wendish" dialect than Sorb.

Steve Long

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