IE *k^won and its origin

maher, johnpeter jpmaher at
Wed Apr 7 01:33:30 UTC 1999

Given the ablaut  of /e - o - ø/ and

E. P. Hamp 1980t IF has a good analysis of the morphophonology, including
clarification of the anomalous /a/ in Latin CANIS.

But his idea that <*p(e)k'uwon> is a "polymorphemic [semantically]
unmotivated" construct is itself unmotivated.

The copy of  Hermann Osthoff's  "Hund und Vieh im Indogermanischen" in the
Regenstein Library  shows that Hamp never borrowed this book, though he should
have [sneak or otherwise] read it at Harvard and/or Chicago. [Paul Friedrich
is recorded as borrower; computerized library practice loses this precious

Osthoff gives firm arguments for IE  < *pe/o/øk-'u-> as 'fleece, teased
fibers' [early sheep not woolly, but hairy]. This makes
IE dog  the "sheep-er", cf. German <Schäfer>.

Same morphophonology in Latin <PECTEN>, Greek <kteis>, plural <ktenes>, from
zero-grade <*pk'ten-> 'comb'..
Which gives rise to the question: are there any traces of earlier dog words in
IE? See Sievers-Edgerton' Law.

j p maher

[ moderator snip of Adam Hyllested post ]

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