Lynx (was Re: Uralic and IE)

Peter &/or Graham petegray at
Fri Apr 9 18:40:44 UTC 1999

Bob said:
>lynx has a genitive lynkos which makes it stand out like a sore
>thumb from the rest of the -nx words.

>There is also a second lynx word that is an -ng stem, but this
>means "hiccup" ...

>animal lynx is
>an -nk stem is shown by the compound lykolynx, "wolf-lynx," which
>is also an -nk stem (gen. lykolynkos).

I was indeed confusing hiccup with the animal - I checked my dictionary too
quickly!   A slower check however reveals that the -nk is not quite certain.
There is an adjective with -ng- :  lyggios, and the form lyggourion  from
"lynx-tail".   Of course the -ng- in these can be secondary.  But thank you
for the reminder of what the discussion and the example was about, and for
the disambiguation of hiccups and animals.


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