IE *k^won and its origin

X99Lynx at X99Lynx at
Sun Apr 11 09:36:42 UTC 1999

In a message dated 4/10/99 10:18:21 PM, mcv was quoted:

<<Iranian span-, spaka- "dog", Baltic Lith. s^uo, Latv. suns "dog" [and
Russ./Pol. suka "bitch"?]>>

Just a Herodotus note.  He claims that the persian Cyrus' ('Kuron') name is
an allusion to 'dog'.  Seems the woman who fostered him after he was
abandoned was named 'dog.'  He was left as a baby with a shepherd ..."and his
wife was a slave like him; her name was in the Greek language Cyno, in the
Median Spako: for "spax" is the Median word for dog."

"...ounoma de tei gunaiki en tei sunoikee Kuno kata ten Hellenon glossan,
kata de ten Mediken Spako: ten gar kuna kaleousi spaka Medoi."

Herdotus says the Medes gave Cyrus his name to embarass him about his foster

Steve Long

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