Latin and Slavonic for `moon'

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Fri Apr 16 23:16:46 UTC 1999

X99Lynx at wrote:

>The hard part is the << kuning-, from *kun-ja "kin" (*gon-) and Germanic
>suffix-ing/-ung>> because *gon- is already in Greek *gno-, possibly before
>German was invented.


>After all, if you follow Mallory or Dolukhanov the
>proto-Slavs were the Agricultural Scythians in 500BCE and therefore had
>contact with the Greeks before the Germans. (Unless you accept a BSG) And of
>course if the P-slavs were IE they should have had a *gon/*gnu or *kon/*knu
>and i-stems quite before they met the Goths.  But anyway...

Slavic hasn't preserved *gen(H)- except in the derivation ze~tI
(*gen(@)tis) "son-in-law, sister's husband".

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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