Pennsylvania tree for IE

Roslyn M. Frank roz-frank at
Wed Apr 21 05:27:52 UTC 1999

At 01:59 PM 4/18/99 +0100, you wrote:
>On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Sheila Watts wrote:

>[on my reference to the Penn tree]

>> Well-known, but not to me, alas: could we have a reference?

>Sorry.  It's this:

>Tandy Warnow, Donald Ringe and Ann Taylor. 1995. Reconstructing the
>evolutionary history of natural languages. Institute for Research in
>Cognitive Science, IRCS Report 95-16. Philadelphia: University of

I read this report when it came out. I would be very interested to hear
what others think of their research model.

Also, I would like to pose a question to the IEists and especially the
Balto-Slavic specialists on the list. It is my understanding that
Balto-Slavic is located opposite Tocharian on the AHD representation of our
Tree. Could someone explain to me what the features are of Balto-Slavic
which have gained it this prominant position in the model?

I am most interested in learning precisely which syntactical and
morphological features are at play. Some years ago I read Prof. Beard's
book in which, as I recall, he speaks of certain aspects of Slavic lexical
formations as being distinctive.

Roz Frank
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

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