Plosive-liquid clusters in euskara borrowed from IE?

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Sat Apr 24 10:18:29 UTC 1999

Larry Trask <larryt at> wrote:

>> traska

>Even Azkue describes this as "onomatpoeic".  But I note that, in
>Roncalese, the word means `layabout, good-for-nothing'.  I love it!
>It's bad enough being called <Larri> in Basque; if I had to go to Roncal
>and introduce myself as <Larri Traska>, the locals would be falling
>about laughing.

Where <larri> can mean, among other things, "sad, bitter; vomit;
sick, dizzy, anxious, nervous; big, fat, pregnant"...

On the subject of "layabout, good-for-nothing": that seems to be,
as I've discovered, the basic meaning of Aragonese/Navarrese
"chandro" [chandro: gandul, haragan, holgazan], discussed here
recently.  Aragonese initial ch- points to *sandro or *jandro
(personal name Sandro, Alejandro?), unless the word is somehow
derived from Provencal (Limousin) chantor/chantre (> Cat. xantre,
xandre) "singer, minstrel".

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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