
Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Tue Apr 27 14:03:00 UTC 1999

What happened was that -minV > -mnV > -mrV > -mbrV
	hominem > homine > homne > homre > hombre /ombre/
	feminam > femina > hemna > hemra > hembra /embra/

Asinus become asno

>I am not that familiar with Ibero-Romance philology to know exactly
>what the circumstances are that changed proto-Romance -inV to -brV,
>but the examples of

>homine(m) > hombre
>femina(m) > hembre

>might go further in explaining how

>-asinu(m)- ?> -ezebra-.

>In this case the problematic compound *equifera would no longer be

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