Evolution seed/saw

GregWeb at aol.com GregWeb at aol.com
Thu Feb 4 13:22:04 UTC 1999

Actually, I think the child is saying seed because he or she has learned,
without being specifically taught, but by listening to adults, that the past
tense is made by adding "ed".   This is because the brain is programmed to
look for, analyze and learn the past tense in whatever language the child is
learning, from listening to adult speakers.   The child has to specifically
memorize irregular forms like saw, taught, caught, etc., which are not
naturally learned, so that even if the child has heard saw, he or she may
continue to fall back on seed until forced by the educational system to speak

[ Moderator's note:
  We've moved far from Indo-European here.  Let's close up this discussion.
  --rma ]

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