IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Fri Feb 5 19:19:31 UTC 1999

[ moderator re-formatted ]


>I don't see why the agriculturalists that moved into Europe and who show
>up in genetic data of what's-his-name-Sforza have to be speaking
>Indo-European of all things.

Cavallo-Sforza, I think, the "black horse" of genetics

>Indo-European just can't have been in the
>Balkans or Anatolia at such an early date.

	As I'm reading the posts, it wasn't necessarily IE but the
precursor of IE, Etruscan et al.

>I reason that the most likely
>language candidate of these budding agriculturalists would be a language
>closely related to North-East Caucasian.

	Do we have any trace whatsoever of NEC? What your reason for
positing NEC? My understanding is that NEC was originally spoken north of
the Caucasus [as well as the north slope].

	I've read about some Greek lexicon [mainly from Hesikhios] that
purportedly had Kartvelian origins. It was in a published dissertation. I
think the guy's name was Brown and was from the UK. But if I remember
correctly, Kartvelian arrived rather late to the Caucasus from the Wast.

>As Indo-European spread across
>Europe later on, it would have wiped out almost all traces of the
>earlier non-Indo-European languages.

	There does seem to be a bit of pre-IE substrate vocabulary out
there, so  they weren't completely wiped out.


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