
Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sun Feb 21 21:12:54 UTC 1999

Habicht m. "hawk" [jtw]

Hafen m. "harbor" [jtw]

Haff "bay", haef [O Sax], haf [ON] [jtw]

Hahn m. "cock, rooster" [jtw]

hakan-, ha:kon, ho:ka "hook, peg, crook"
[< ?Vasconic;
see Basque gako "key", kako "hook, peg, crook"]
[acc. cw, < ? IE *keg- "hook, tooth"] [cw, tv97]
hake "hook" [MLG] > harquebus [cw, tv97]
haki "hook" [ON] > hake [cw, tv97]
hakila- > hekel "hatchel, flax comb with hooklike teeth' [M Dutch] > heckle
[cw, tv97]
hakkiyan > haccian [OE] > to hack [cw, tv97]
ho:c [OE] > hook; [cw, tv97]
Haken "hook, peg, crook/ed" [cw, tv97]

halbaz > healf [OE] > half [cw]
[acc. cw <? IE *skelp- < *skei- "to cut"]

haldan "to keep or drive cattle, etc." > healdan [OE] > hold; haltan "to
stop, hold back" [OHG] >
halten, halt;
houden "to hold" [M Dutch] > avast
[cw rel. this to Latin celer "swift"
sees both < ?IE *kel- "to drive, set in swift motion"] [cw, als, d, p&a]

haltha- "slope, slant, incline" > Halde "slope, hillside", heald [OE]
[< ?Vasconic;
see Basque halde, alde, ualde < ?*kalde "face, side, flank"] [tv95, tv97]

hand, Hand f. [p&a, rc]

Harke f. "rake" [jtw]

Harn "bladder"
[< ?Vasconic";
see Basque garnur "bladder" < *kernu] [tv95, tv97]

harbista [pre-Germanic] > harvest, Herbst,
carpere [Latin]
karpós "fruit" [Gr]
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic";
see Akk harpu "Fall"] [tv97]

harja > Heer, here [OE] "army" [< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic"; see Akk qarâbu
"war, battle"] [tv95,

harpo: [pre-Germanic] > harp, Harfe
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic";
maybe rel. to *harbista, see *harpo:n "to pluck"] [tv97]

hastro "Band [tape, ribbon]" [It < Germanic] [tv84]

hatas > Hader "quarrel", hea*u- "war" > [OE] hate; Haß, haine "hate" [Fr <
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic";
see pre-Sem. k'-t-]
[see Gr ke:dos "worry, grief" Welsh cawdd "anger"] [tv84, tv95, tv97]

hatchet, hache [Fr < Germanic] [tv84]

Hechel [jtw, tv84] [Agriculture]

Hecke, haie "file [of soldiers]" [Fr < Germanic] [tv84]

Hede [jtw] [Agriculture]

Helm m., helmet [bc, jtw]

Hengst m. "stallion" [jtw]

Henne f., hen [jtw]

herald, hérault [Fr < Germanic] [tv84]

Herd m. "stove" [jtw]

Herr "man, gentleman, lord" [jtw]

herring, Hering m. [rc]

Herzog m. "duke" [jtw]

hissen "to hoist" [jtw]

hlaupan "to leap"
[acc. cw < ?IE *klou- "to bend" but likely unknown] [cw]
hle:apan [OE] > leap, hle:apwi:nce [OE] > lapwing; hlaupa "to leap" [ON] >
loopen "to leap, run"
[M Dutch] > [inter]loper;
lo:p "course, running" [MLG] > lopp "course" [Swedish] > gauntlet; hlouffan
"to leap" [OHG] >
Lauf "race" > langlauf;
galoper [OFr] > gallop;
waloper [O North Fr] > wallop;
aloper "to run away with a lover" [Anglo-Norman] > elope [cw]

hluta- "lot, portion" > hlot [OE] > lot, lot [Dutch] > lottery, lot [OFr] >
lotto, allot
[acc. cw < ?IE *kleu- "hook" but semantically obscure] [cw]

hn- "to pinch, close eyes, etc." [acc. cw <? IE *ken-] [cw]
hnappian "to doze, nap" [OE] > nap [cw]
ne:p[flo:d] "neaptide" [OE] > neap [tide] [cw]
nipen [M Dutch] > nip [cw]
hnöggr "miserly", nigard [M Eng] > nigard "miser" [obs. Eng] [cw]
noppe "pile" [M Dutch] > nap [cw]
nibbeln [LGer] > nibble [cw]
notten "to nod" [MHG], nodden [M Eng] > nod [cw]

hn- "to compress"
[acc. cw <? IE *ken-] [cw] [same root as *hn- above?]
hnekk- "neck, narrow or compressed part" > hnecca [OE] > neck; hnakur
"saddle" [ON], hnakki
"back of neck" > knacker
[?rel. to nuca "back of neck" (Sp)?]
hnutu [OE] > nut
[acc. cw, rel. to nux "nut" (Latin)]
hnukk- > nocke "tip of a bow" [M Dutch], nokke [M Eng] > nock
nok "projection, hook"[Norw dial] > nok [M Eng] > nook

Hof "court, courtyard" [tv84]

honte "shame" [Fr < Germanic] [tv84]

horst/hurst "grove" [OS, OHG, MLG] [eh]

Huld [tv84]

Huhn n. "chicken" [jtw]

hupp- > hoppe [M Dutch] > hop plant [cw]
[acc. cw, <? IE *skeup- "cluster"]

husam > house, Haus n.
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic";
see Akk hussu "cane hut" < *khu:sV] [rc, tv97]

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