Rick Mc Callister
rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sun Feb 21 21:16:53 UTC 1999
patha- > path, pade [Finnish] Pfad m.
[< ?Akkadian pada:nu(m)?
< ?Vasconic *padan?
(?whence Bsq haran?] [ecp, mcv3/97, tv1/99]
per-at- > praten [Dutch] [ecp]
perap "press together > proppe "plug, wad" [Middle Dutch] [ecp]
perat "perceive, realize." > præt "trick, skill" [Old English] [ecp]
per-egh- "stick out." > preg "pointed stick" [Old English] [ecp]
peret "desire, love, be happy." > pret "fun" [Dutch] [ecp]
peri-gh- > priën "strive for" Middle Dutch [ecp]
Pflug m., plow [jtw]
philt'-a > [pre-W Germanic] > filt'a- [W Germanic] > felt, Filz
[< ?Vasconic";
see Basque bilho "mane, hair", bildots "lamb" > pre-Basque *pildo- "hair"]
[tv95, tv97]
pier (earth)worm [Dutch] [ecp]
pig [tlm]
pisk- > fish, fisks [Goth],
piscus [Lat.],
íasc [Ir]
[W IE only] [am]
plegan "to pledge" [West Germanic] > pledge, play;
*plehti- > plight (p < b, [eh]) [cw, eh, rc]
preus- freeze; *prost > frost
[< ?Vasconic,
see Basque hotz < ? *host < *rost < *prost] [tv97]
prevelen "mumble" [Dutch] < "announce, say" [ecp]
Pugge, Pogge "frog, toad"
[< ?Vasconic;
see Basque puga "toad" ] [tv97]
pursa- "bog-myrtle." [ecp]
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