Update on *nekw and the N-word
Glen Gordon
glengordon01 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 24 11:58:53 UTC 1999
Hello, It's Glenny again,
Now that I have the source before me... Under Allan Bomhard's
"208. nitl[h]-/netl[h]- 'to rise, to arise; to lift, to raise; to
move'", there is:
IE *nek-/*nok- "to bear, to carry, to convey"
(I've never seen this root. Does anyone know? I can only think
of Latin nex and nocere - different things altogether. "To
convey"? Isn't that conveyed with *g^no-s(k)-?)
AA *natl-/*n at tl- "to rise, to arise; to lift, to raise; to move"
Dravidian *nik- "to lift up, to raise, to get up from sleep"
Altaic *negu":- "to move from one place to another,
to wander about, to migrate"
Taking out AA (the only one with *tl), we're left with a clearer view.
However, I would go out on a limb and say that rather than the IE
cognate attested above, I would throw in IE *nekwt instead and possibly
Finnish nukkua "to sleep" (There's got to be a relation somehow with
nukkua) and that it all points to *nukw "to sleep" ("to sleep" -> "to
awaken"; "to sleep" -> "to sleep over" -> "to migrate"). Any Uralicists
in the house?
In all, I haven't personally verified the reconstructions yet, so anyone
is open to suspicions but so far this is my idea on the origin of IE
Glen Gordon
glengordon01 at hotmail.com
Kisses and Hugs
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