Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Fri Feb 26 21:01:22 UTC 1999

[ moderator re-formatted ]


>Also, if Sturtevant is correct in assuming that voiceless stops are
>indicated in Hittite by doubled spellings, then Hittite nek(uz) can only
>represent IE *neg-, *negh-, or *negw-.


	I may have missed someoneelse's response but I've seen several
cases where Hittite <z> is from from /t/. So wouldn't there be a fair
chance that nek(uz) is from *nek(ut)? And that *nek(ut) < *nekwt

	BTW: is Hittite <z> /dz, z^/, /ts,c/ or /z/?
[By /z^/ I mean a sound similar to <ds> of English <beds>
or the "soft" voiced <z> in Italian.

	If Sturtevant is correct --and, A THOUSAND PARDONS, my Hittite is
rusty-- that could just mean something like
	/nekwt/ >  /nekuc/ > /neguz^
	with an introduced vowel to eliminate a "difficult" consonant cluster

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