IE in Balkans and Semitic? -- Sem. agricultural terms in IE

Alemko Gluhak alemko.gluhak at
Sat Jan 30 15:24:24 UTC 1999

> Von: Glen Gordon <glengordon01 at>
> An: indoeuropean at
> Betreff: IE in Balkans and Semitic?
> Datum: 1999. sijeèanj 28 03:41

Glen Gordon wrote (28 Jan 1999, IE in Balkans and Semitic?):

> I don't remember any Semitic agricultural terms in IE although I could
> be wrong.

In Gamq.relidze--Ivanov, you can find f.e.

IE *tauro- + Sem. *t_awr- "bull"
IE *ghait.- + Sem. *gadj- "goat"
IE *agwno- "lamb" + Sem. *`igl- "young animal"
IR *qe/op- + Sem., comp. Akkad. uk.u:pu, OHebr. k.ôp_, Aram. k.o:p_a:
IE *bhar(s)- "grain, cereals" + Sem. *burr-/*barr-
IE *dhoHna:- "cereals, grain" + Sem. *duh,n- "millet"
IE *Handh- "edible plants" + Sem. * "wheat"

See also V.M. Illic^-Svityc^'s article 1964 and other IE-Sem articles.

Alemko Gluhak
Zavod za lingvisticka istrazivanja
Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti
(Linguistic Research Institute of the
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Ante Kovacica 5, HR-10000 Zagreb
gluhak at

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