Chronology of the breakup of Common Romance [long]
Eduard Selleslagh
edsel at
Wed Jul 14 10:21:19 UTC 1999
[ moderator re-formatted ]
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Mc Callister
>> "Vlach" or "Wallach" seems to be descended from a name that was commonly
>> applied to Celts.
> It has long been proposed that the name Volcae, a Gaulish tribe, was the
> source of Anglo-Saxon Wealh, Balkans Vlakh, Polish WLochy, etc. The point
> I've generally seen is something to the extent that supposedly the Volcae
> were the first Gaulish tribe to fall under Roman rule.
[Ed Selleslagh]
That seems highly unlikely since the term was originally used exclusively by
non-Romans, non-Celts, and applied to Celtic and Latin languages speaking
peoples. That excludes a Roman origin of the word.
All this sounds like a typical 19th century invention by Latin-worshippers
> Some popular writers have also proposed Volcae as the source of
> English "folk" but I've never seen this proposal from professional
> linguists.
Even less likely : the peoples that used the word had probably never heard
of the Volcae, not even second-hand.
>> Appearing as "Walh" or "Walah" in OHG, it has interpreted as meaning
>> "foreigner", sometimes Roman, but in usage it is closely associated with
>> Celts and regions of Celtic habitation - e.g., "Wales", "Walloon". I seem
>> to recall an suggestion that there may be a tie here to L. vallum (fortified
>> wall, the earliest meaning of "wall") and refer to the Celtic or
>> Romano-Celtic oppidum or walled town.
> You'd have to account for the ending in Vlakh, WLochy, etc.
Indeed, and a derivation from a Latin word is unlikely for the reasons given
Note that the form with -ch is East-European, while the 'Wal-' form is
Western, mainly Germanic and in loanwords of Germanic origin, e.g. in Latin
languages (Walen-Wallons, Wallis-Valais, Wales...).
>> The strong Celtic presence along the Danube is attested by Classical writers
>> well before the common era. E.g., Alexander fights them before turning
>> against the Persians and meets Celts who are from Illyria. Galicia in
>> southern Poland is a region whose name remembers a Celtic presence even
>> farther north. I remember an old passage where Vlachs are identified as
>> "the shepherds of the Romans" and in this role they may also have been
>> imported help as they were in northern Italy.
> Isn't the term Vlakh anachronistic in this sense? Vlakh is first
>documented in the middle ages, isn't it?
Indeed. The medieval use of 'Vlach' probably referred to the 'Latin'
Rumanians, cf. Wallachia.
In modern Greece, the word is also used to refer to the local nomads/gypsies
of unclear (i.e. to me) ethnic origin (maybe Rumanian Gypsies, 'Roma', or
from Pannonia? Maybe Albanians?).
>> The ancient ethnic designations in that part of the world are a little
>> difficult to follow, but it seems clear that the whole region from Illyria
>> to present day Romania was under Rome by 250 ace. And there is some
>> possibility that Vlachs represented Romanized Celts across those regions.
>> In any case, the small difference in time between Rome's entry into Illyria
>> and into Dacia would be a de minimis factor.
> My guess is that any Celtic element in the Balkan would have been extremely
> thin.
> The Celts raided the Balkans and stormed through the region on the way to
> Galatia but my understanding is that they lived north of the Balkans in
> Galatia and Pannonia
See my last remark above.
Ed. Selleslagh<edsel at>
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