Hittite & Celtic dative in /k/ ?

ECOLING at aol.com ECOLING at aol.com
Mon Jul 26 15:12:25 UTC 1999

In the light of the discussions on Hittites and other early
Indo-European peoples of Anatolia and the Balkans,
going on on IE and ANE lists,
it may be relevant to consider whether even Celts and Hittites
may have shared any things linguistically or culturally,
as areal manifestations.

The standard analyses I think would still say that anything
shared between them is a relic of the common IE stage,
because Hittite and Celtic did not share any innovations together.
I am asking also the IndoEuropean list (when it resumes activities),
if we can get some comments and guidance as to the current
state of knowledge.  Obviously the work of Ringe has been
prominent recently.  Any current views of what Ringe has succeeded
in pinning down re Proto-IE and Hittite, Celtic, Tocharian,
and what Ringe's methods have not pinned down conclusively,
either because the choice of data determines the conclusions
or for other reasons?

Here it is one small item for your consideration.

Here is a tidbit linking Celtic and Hittite
which I found many years ago, when compiling typological
comparisons of the semantic domains of "be" and "have".
I wondered at the time whether it is a relic Dative case
preposition / postposition which Hittite and Celtic shared,
presumably as a retention, but conceivably as an areal phenomenon,
or both of the above.  Does Tocharian have it too?
(I have no idea whether the later
Indic Dative postposition with /k/ is related or a chance lookalike.)

The forms being discussed, the dative case of the 1st singular pronoun,
are statistically likely to be highly conservative,
both because they are pronouns and also
as oblique cases rather than the more often innovating nominative etc.



amm-el  es-tsi     "(it) is mine"
amm-uk  es-tsi     "(it) is to me", or rather in English, "I have it"
me-Postpos.  is-3sg.

amm-uk "me-to"

The above forms were cited by Calvert Watkins for the contrast of
Genitive with Dative.


Celtic preposition ag- where Hittite had postposition -uk above:

ta' ... aige     "he has", with the preposition   /ag-/ (Watkins)
ni fhuil fear agam  "not husband to-me" or rather "I have no husband"

ag-am "to-me"


tha airgiod agam  "is money to-me", or rather "I have money"


Lloyd Anderson

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