punch not < panc
Tom Wier
artabanos at mail.utexas.edu
Sat Jun 5 09:01:26 UTC 1999
Nicholas Widdows wrote:
> In summary, it first occurs in English in 1632, and is repeatedly cited,
> always with <u> and with variable ingredients; the expression <bowl of
> punch> then turns up in Continental languages as <bolleponge>, <palepuntz>,
> <bouleponges>, <palepunshen>. Clearly at this date it was pronounced with
> [u]. No suitable Indian language has [u] in 'five'.
If it were [u], why would it have been carried over into (what
I presume to be) French with what looks like an [O]? It seems
[U] would be a better candidate than [u], which French certainly
Tom Wier <artabanos at mail.utexas.edu>
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