Latin perfects
Rick Mc Callister
rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sat Jun 12 21:54:47 UTC 1999
According to
Giuiano & Larissa Bonfante The Etruscan Language. NY: NYUP, 1983: 82-85
Active preterite ended in -ce [at least 3rd person sing. & pl.]
Passive preterite ended in -xe , -khe <-che> [1st persons]
Past participle ending seems to be -u
which is passive if the verb is transitive
and active if the verb is intransitive
Active past participle ended in -thas
>I know no Etruscan. Can anyone confirm Paolo Agostini's statement that
>Etruscan had a -v- perfective?
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