Latin perfects and Fluent Etruscan in 30 days!

Lars Henrik Mathiesen thorinn at
Fri Jun 18 14:25:05 UTC 1999

> Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:30:17 -0400
> From: "Steven A. Gustafson" <stevegus at>

> [And, of course, the conventional explanation of -south- is that it
> represents "sun" + -th, with the /n/ dropped and the /u/ predictably
> lengthened for English. But the /n/ isn't there in Swedish -soeder-,
> and NGmc usually keeps it in this position (cf. -sooth- with Sw.
> -sant-); nor was it there in the Frankish source of French -sud-.])

ON sunnr > suðr. Danish has a doublet: "sønder" and "syd."

Lars Mathiesen (U of Copenhagen CS Dep) <thorinn at> (Humour NOT marked)

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