Latin perfects and Fluent Etruscan in 30 days!
Adolfo Zavaroni
adolfoz at
Sat Jun 19 00:13:12 UTC 1999
Steven A. Gustafson wrote:
> but it would
> seem to me that this form in -ve, if it's really there (and I would not
> presume to even form a personal opinion on that), would seem to me to
> have a past progressive or "imperfect" meaning, rather than a past
> definite. All the verbs you mention seem more plausible as past
> progressives: "he held," "he ruled," "it is foretold," "he was
> priest." (Then why -svalce-, "he lived?" rather than *svalve?)
Three different verbal forms are present in inscriptions
having an analogous structure, pertaining to the same matter
(cursus honorum) and all written on sarcophagi, sometimes of the same
ZILAXN(U)CE "gubernavit" ("praetor fuit" according to other scholars),
I then deduce that these forms are semantically equivalent
and, semplifying, I consider them as preterites, although only
the forms in -KE are so called by many scholars.
ZILAXNU is a preterit form in -U like LUPU ( = LUPUCE) "mortuus (est)"
and TENU ( = TENVE)
It is remarkable that TENU is followed by EPRTHNEV-C
(where -C means Lat. -que), so that the verbal function of -V < -VE
is demonstrated (nobody doubts that TENU is a verb like LUPU).
I think that these 3 forms have also the function of past participles
and that this fact is connected with the absence of a verb "to be"
I am sure (but probably I am the only one!) that AME, AMCE are not forms
of the verb "to be", but mean "cum, co-, united with",
given that they are accompanied only by PUIA = "mulier" (puia ame =
and ZILATH "rector, praetor" (*co-praetor, "co-director").
I have to rectify what I said about the attested forms in -VE:
just in the museum of my town (REGGIO EMILIA, Gallia Cisalpina)
two twinned inscriptions of the VI B.C. have the verbs
IMITVE "memoravit"
and (MI) IMA AME "(ego) com-memoro".
Now I do not see how this archaic form in -VE, attested in this place,
could derive from Latin. Furthermore I point out that Raetic too has
not only the verbal morphemes -KE and -XE (interchangeable), but also
-VE in
(in very short sentences where the verbal function 3d sing. pret.
is probable certain to my mind).
Now somebody might formulate a new hypothesis on Latin perfects in -vi
Good work!
Adolfo Zavaroni
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