
petegray petegray at
Tue Jun 29 19:49:35 UTC 1999

Jens said:

>    I wonder how else anybody would understand these data - except by
> ignoring their being just that.

Alas, Jens, I do not see data, but hypothesis and ideology.   The data is
that some IE langs use nasal presents for a particular root where others do
not, so your evidence from Latin cannot count for much in Sanskrit.    The
data is that root aorists are associated with a variety of present
formations, including nasal infixes.

The hypothesis which has become an ideology, is that all root aorists must
have had a nasal present.    For example, you said:

> Strunk has shown that nasal
> presents go with root aorists, thus we would like to derive tuda'ti from
> an original root aorist if that is in any way possible.

I see no reason to, since I do not share your ideology.   You may or may not
be right - the important thing is that what you offer is not data, and so
you should not insult those of us who do not agree with it.

You said:

> Likewise we would like to have a root aorist beside the nasal present
> vinda'ti ... and so we
> have a strong motivation to derive the thematic aorist a'vidat from a root
> aorist.

Traditionally, these are taken from different roots.


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