Latin and Slavonic for `moon'

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Wed May 12 23:08:29 UTC 1999

X99Lynx at wrote:

>Where I do find *g > z is the first SL palatization - before original front
>vowels.  (I have here as example, OCS ziv~, cf. Lith gyvas.)

That's OCS <z^ivU>, with /Z/ not /z/.  PIE *gwiHw-.

>The second also yielded g > z, but where the front vowel has occured because
>of monophthongisation (example OCS cena, cf Lith kaina.)

Yes. the second palatalization yields /dz/, usually simplified to /z/.

>Also, if this *g behaved like a /k/ in satemization


The developments in Slavic are:

PIE       *k^     *k(w)       *g^     *g(w)(h)

"satem"   s       [k]         z       [g]
1st Pal.          c^                  z^
2nd.              c                   (d)z

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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