Sociological Linguistics
Rick Mc Callister
rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Fri May 28 17:59:43 UTC 1999
Chorotega, Mangue in Nicaragua, NW Costa Rica (extinct maybe in the late 1800s)
Otomi/ north of Mexico DF (still spoken)
and I think Zapotec & Mixtec are also Oto-Manguean
maybe Mixe-Zoque? (SE Mexico, postulated to have been spoken by the Olmecs)
so maybe Proto-O-M was spoken c. 3rd millenium BCE in states of Tabasco &
>> A very few other languages
>> -- such as Proto-Oto-Manguean -- have been reconstructed back to around
>> the same time depth.
>What is this, or rather, where was it?
>Max Dashu
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