Intensive Reduplication

petegray petegray at
Tue May 25 19:52:06 UTC 1999

> Pat answers:

> It is not correct to characterize my view as "laryngeals were vowels" ...
> I think that, generally, by the times of reconstructable IE, they had
> become vowels [or ...]

Your original comment was:

>> I do not dispute that 'laryngeals' were consonantal in Nostratic but by
>> Indo-European, I believe their consonantal had been lost except for Hittite

If we then limit ourselves to IE evidence, and produce cases where
consonants are necessary rather than vowels, would that do?

I offered a long list of possible places where laryngeals, if present, would
have to be consonants.   Your counter-arguments so far reduce to:  "there
are no laryngeals involved."   This is in fact not a counter-argument to the
claim that "if there are laryngeals involved here, they must have been
consonants, not vowels."


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