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Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sun Oct 3 19:35:04 UTC 1999

/hw/ > /f/ does happen in a Scottish dialect of English

>Are there any actual examples of *hw >*f in PGmc post-Grimm (other Dr
>Crist's guess at *penkwe > *finhw- > *finf)?  It would seem that the
>alveolar /n/ might preclude any assimilation of /hw/ to /f/.  Just thinking
>off the top of my head.

>[ snip ]

>Actually, it occurs to me that this change might just as easily have been
>post-Grimm's Law as pre-.  *penkwe would give *finhw- by Grimm's Law and
>by the raising of /e/ before nasals.  It could readily be the case that
>learners would mishear /hw/ as /f/ in this environment, reanalysing it as
>*/finf/, which is the correct PGmc reconstruction. I can't think of any
>problem with this right off.

Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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