Pre-Basque Phonology

Nikos Sarantakos sarant at
Tue Oct 19 17:16:57 UTC 1999

At 13:20 15/10/99 +0200, Eduard Selleslagh wrote:

>I forgot to mention that in Modern Greek (NeoEllinikó) the use of the
>definite article before proper names is standard practice, e.g. O Yorghos
>("the George", written Ho Gio:rgos). And of course also with titles, like in
>Spanish:  o kírios ("el señor", written Ho Kyrios) XYZ, i kiría ("la
>señora", written He: Kyría) XYZ. I know of no special connotation.

No, there is no special connotation.

Now, this is extreme nit-picking perhaps, but in Modern Greek
there is no "written Ho Gio:rgos". Rough breathing (which you
note with H) is neither written since 1981, nor pronounced
since much earlier, so it is dubious
why H should be used for transliteration of Modern Greek.


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