Evolution and origin of language

Herb Stahlke HSTAHLKE at gw.bsu.edu
Thu Sep 9 14:44:28 UTC 1999

[ moderator re-formatted ]

A couple of places you might check:

Cambridge Anthropological Journal 8;1 (1998) has a group of articles collected
under the heading "The Origins of Speech".  Larry Trask does a nice job of
setting the tone for these with an attempt at a consensus linguistic position.

Terrence W. Deacon's The Symbolic Species, published by Norton (1997), deals
with some of the anthropological issues but goes into considerable depth in
biology, neurology, evolution, semiotics, etc.

Herb Stahlke
Ball State University

>>> Tom Wier <artabanos at mail.utexas.edu> 01/08 2:30 PM >>>
I have a question which is fairly offtopic, about the evolution and
origin of language.

[ moderator snip ]

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