Pre-Basque lexical items/ekarri/carrus

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Thu Sep 16 18:09:57 UTC 1999

How about the etymology of Latin carrus?
I've seen it < Gaulish carros or whatnot
Watkins links "carry" with Latin correre
Are these universally perceived as IE?
[Watkins gives *kers-]


>Actually, the suffix <-i> marks a perfective participle.  There is no
>reason to doubt the antiquity of <ekarri> in Basque, though I would
>gloss it as `bring', not as `carry'.  (English `carry', = `transport on
>one's person', is not really lexicalized in Basque.)  But it is far from
>clear that the Basque verb is shared with any other language.  The
>popular suggestion, of course, is that <ekarri> derives from the same
>source as English `carry'.  But all the sources I have available agree
>that `carry' is a borrowing from Old French <carier> `transport by
>vehicle', itself ultimately from Latin <carrus> `cart, wagon'.


Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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