Pre-Basque phonology (PS)

Jon Patrick jonpat at
Fri Sep 17 10:55:31 UTC 1999

ON Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:21:05 +0100 (BST)
  Larry Trask said in repsonse to Ros Frank

    Indeed, and the identification of the Aquitanian item with <beltz> is by
    no means certain, though it is plausible.  Anyway, we do have a modest
    amount of further evidence favoring the reconstruction of <beltz> as
    *<beletz> -- not least the observation that perhaps no other word in the
    language ends in the cluster <-ltz>.

My useful computer tells me there are  4 such words
altz - alder tree
beltz - black
bultz - push, thrust
giltz - key
and the only words ending in <-lVtz>, justto  identify evidence relevant to
the lost vowel question, are
-latz - latz = rough, crude
-letz - no examples
-litz - no examples
-lotz - hilotz = corpse
        odolotz = coldblooded
-lutz - no examples

Jon patrick

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