English phones [th] and [dh] (was: minimal pairs)

Brent J. Ermlick brent at bermls.oau.org
Thu Apr 6 10:25:55 UTC 2000

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 09:42:04PM +0300, Robert Whiting wrote:
	. . .
> fuzz, etc.).  The phones [th] and [dh] are in much the same
> relationship as earlier [s] and [z], occurring in predictable
> environments (although not always predictable on a phonetic
> basis) or as morphonemic variants.  However, there are no new
> coinings where [th] opposes [dh] so one suspects that the
> speakers do not consider them separate phonemes (yet).

What about ether versus either?

Brent J. Ermlick		Veritas liberabit uos
brent at bermls.oau.org

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