Dating the final IE unity, in particular the word for "horse"
JoatSimeon at
JoatSimeon at
Thu Apr 6 18:40:05 UTC 2000
>g_sandi at writes:
>But aren't there extraneous ideological interpretations on the other side as
>well? The archaeological buzzword is "process archaeology", which seems to
>claim that, in general, populations may go through major changes in pottery,
>burial customs, agriculture and housing without any major change in their
>ethnic identity (including language).
-- exactly. It's a wholly unwarranted assumption; and it severely
contradicts what we'd argue by analogy from the historical record. Pure
ideological imposition.
>Insofar as Gimbutas's idealization of Old Europe is concerned, I am
-- me too. In fact, what really strikes me as "stretching" in Gimbutas is
the extreme over-elaboration of the hypothesis, attempting a precision (with
the various 'waves' and whatnot) that, at this distance in time, just isn't
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